Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sept. 21-29, 2017 - Newport News

Instead of going back to Zimmerman Marine in the boat for the dinghy repairs, David and Jack towed the dinghy over and left it for the carburetor repair.  We ended up staying nine additional days waiting for the dinghy repair and for the hurricanes to pass through.  We alternated breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for that time.  Our time was spent running errands, taking walks, and generally hanging out on their back dock enjoying the great view. One day we took David's wooden boat (Scooter) across the James River to Capt. Chuck-a-Mucks for lunch.  The ride was fun and the lunch was delicious.  On Saturday, Jack and David left early to go lay crab lines for a big crab dinner scheduled for Sunday afternoon.  They made two trips and brought back a large bucket of crabs.  That night we headed to the Hilton Tavern to listen to a friend (John Walker) play his music with his sidekick (a former Chippendale model).  They were pretty good and it was a fun evening. Sunday was the big crab boil.  The crabs were steamed and dumped on a long table.  Everyone took turns sitting and eating their fill of crabs.  I managed to eat about 3.  They were okay but a lot of work and very messy.  I opted for some barbeque instead.  Finally on Wednesday, we learned that the carburetor had not come in when it was supposed to and, instead, was back ordered.  So Thursday, we all took a road trip back to Zimmerman's to get the dinghy and worry about the carburetor later (the dinghy still ran, it just had a leak).  We celebrated Billy's birthday Friday night.  It was starting to cool down a little so David started a fire in his big fire pit.  Since all good things must come to an end, we decided it was time to leave to start our journey south.  We had a great time with David and Linda and we'll see them in Fort Myers in January.

Billy, David and Jack

David's boat docks (you can barely see their house in the middle)

Off to lunch in Scooter

Captain Chuck-a-Mucks

Lunch was delicious

Loading the crab lines with chicken necks

Off they go

This pulls the line out of the water to catch the crabs

A pretty good catch

Then there's the clean up

Donna and Billy's dog Lucy jumping after her toy
(Linda and Donna's son, Josh, throwing her toy for her)

The crab feast

Beautiful pink sky sunset

Taking the dinghy back to the boat
A nightly ritual - standing on the dock and playing with Lucy
(Josh, Billy, David, Linda and Lucy)
The tile floor in their bar area
Linda with her under-aged bartender, Josh
Beautiful chandelier in the downstairs bathroom
Dinghy ride through Deep Creek
More of Deep Creek
Last sunset over Deep Creek
The birthday party with Billy, Donna, Billy's mother, and their 
son Josh
Happy birthday Billy!
The perfect ending to the evening and our visit

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