Friday, September 8, 2017

September 4-8, 2017 - Niceville and return

The trip from Mobile to Niceville took about two hours.  First stop was the driving range at Eglin, then the motel, then out to Bluewater to visit Jimmie and the "Loosers."  We had a nice dinner with Jack's mother that night.  After a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, Jack played golf while I ran errands and went to visit his sister.  We had a delicious dinner at her house that night.  After another doctor's appointment Wednesday, we loaded the car and headed back to Virginia.  Everyone was starting to get nervous about Irma and the stores had already run out of water.  We spent two days on the road traveling through some of the Alabama country side (some of the roads planned, some not), then it was back to the interstates through Atlanta (at rush hour), Greenville (for the night), then Charlotte, Raleigh, Richmond, and back to the boat.  The trip was pretty uneventful and not as scenic as the trip to Texas. We were anxious to get back and see how the installation of the new washer/dryer looked.  Friday was spent cleaning and getting ready for our next adventure with friends, George and Mary Jane. (Sorry, not many pictures this time.)

Stats on the trip:  Miles traveled - 3,360; nights in a motel - 5; meals in restaurants - too numerous to count (only two were memorable); spending time with our family - PRICELESS!!

A long caravan of fire and rescue trucks heading from Houston
 to Florida to get ready for Irma

We saw many boats and generators.  We gave them a big thumbs up as we passed.

Old washer/dryer

New one!!  Yeah!! 

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