Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 1-4, 2017 - Second stop - Mobile

We left Susan's very early Friday morning for the ten hour trip to Mobile.  Kayla was supposed to have a cross-country meet that afternoon (for 9th graders), but unfortunately she injured her leg and did not run.  Saturday morning we were back at the park for the 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.  This was a pretty big meet which included Mobile County plus many out of state schools.  We had a lot of fun watching all the kids.  Jennifer, Kayla, and Katie all helped at the finish line. After their hard work, Jennifer treated us all to a pedicure.  Saturday night we celebrated Kayla's 14th birthday at Shogun (her favorite place).  As a surprise, Jennifer had invited one of her friends, Alexis, to join us.  Kayla and Alexis go to different high schools this year, so Kayla was thrilled when we walked into the restaurant and Alexis was there. It was a great evening and Kayla had a great time.  After church on Sunday, we went to lunch and then to see Cars 3.  We took Kayla to see the first Cars movie (and her first movie) when she was 4, so this is kind of a family tradition.  Since Sunday was Kayla's actual birthday, Jennifer prepared her favorite dinner that night followed by ice cream cake and presents.  While the girls were at church that morning, Jack mowed their yard for them (an additional birthday present for Kayla since it is her job).  After breakfast on Monday morning, it was time to say goodbye and head to Florida.  We had a great weekend with our girls.

Kayla and their friend Crystal getting ready to work

Waiting for the runners to finish

And the next group is off

Katie helped keep water cups full for the runners

The girls, plus Kayla's friend Alexis, taking a break

Jennifer and her friend, Crystal

After working the meet, a pedicure

Dinner at Shogun with Kayla's friend, Alexis

Two happy girls

Jack at work

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