Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sept. 17-18, 2017 - Portsmouth/Norfolk

We left Hampton for a two hour ride across the James River into the Elizabeth River to a free dock by downtown Portsmouth.   George, Jack and I took the ferry across to Norfolk, while Mary Jane stayed on the boat.  George took two guided tours around the USS Wisconsin, while Jack and I just wandered through the mall (since we had toured the Wisconsin a few months ago).  Later on we enjoyed a good chili dinner on the back deck.  On Monday, we noticed the tide was over the dock, so we had to wade out onto the dock to a concrete wall where we dried our feet and put on our walking shoes. (The higher than usual tides were caused by Jose who was sitting just east of us in the Atlantic.)  We took the ferry across to Norfolk and took a two hour narrated tour on the Victory Rover.  It was an excellent tour which took us by the Norfolk terminals and the Norfolk Navy Yard, the largest Navy yard in the world.  Monday night we walked into downtown Portsmouth where we went to the Commodore Theater for dinner and a movie (American Assassin).  The theater was originally built in 1945, but was refurbished about 12 years ago into a dinner theater - the oldest dinner theater in the U.S.  The theater was beautiful inside, the dinner was good, and the movie was good, although maybe a little gory.  All in all, it was a great evening and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  When we got back to the boat, we again were at high tide and had to wade down the dock to climb up the ladder, which was hanging straight down the side of the boat.  Just part of the adventure!

Mary Jane always ready with a line

The George H.W. Bush, Lincoln and Ford aircraft carriers
(it was a little cloudy that day so it's hard to distinguish each of the three)

A very large Naval station

The Nauticus Museum with the USS Wisconsin beside it

George aboard the USS Wisconsin

Waterside - the waterfront area in downtown Norfolk

Drying feet and putting on walking shoes for a trip back into Norfolk

The docks under water

The wall in donwtown Portsmouth - we're at the far right

There are many mermaids around downtown Norfolk

Getting ready to board our cruise boat

Large ship out of the water on drydock

One of the piers at the Navy base - it may look empty but if you look
closely on the left you'll see the top of a submarine sticking out.  There
is also one on the other side

Our ferry rides across to Norfolk and back

When was the last time you saw a public pay phone??
St. Paul's Catholic Church founded in 1804

The Commodore Theater

The inside of the theater

One of the murals on the walls

Wading back to the boat after a fun night

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