Monday, July 31, 2017

July 25-30, 2017 - Fairlee Creek, Still Pond, Bohemia River

After our fun filled days in Baltimore and Dundalk, we ate a last breakfast Tuesday morning at the Hard Yacht Café and then headed for four days of anchoring - two at Fairlee Creek and two at Still Pond. Both anchorages were nice and we enjoyed some relaxation for a few days.  Thursday morning we left Fairlee Creek and were heading for Worton Creek, however we didn't care for the anchorage when we got there so headed a little further north to Still Pond.  About 3:00 am Saturday morning, the winds switched and blew directly into our anchorage causing some fairly heavy waves around the boat.  We left around 8:00 but it was very tricky pulling the anchor in and then fairly heavy once we got out into the Chesapeake.  We tossed and turned for about an hour and pulled into Sassafras River for about two hours and waited for the winds to calm down.  Finally around noon, we were able to pull out and have a little better ride up to the Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbor.  This was our second time to the Bohemia River, but first time to this marina (home of Foster and Susan, Quo Vadimus).  After we were settled, we visited with Foster and Susan for a while.  Foster let us take his car for a grocery and farmer's market run.  We then had docktails on their boat and all went out for a good dinner.  It was nice to eat out after spending four days on the boat.  Sunday, I went with Susan to a new craft store.  Later after a final goodbye to Foster and Susan, we spent the rest of the evening recouperating from our night of lost sleep.

This is a Mudslide - it was delicious

Our anchorage at Fairlee Creek

Funny looking little house overlooking Fairlee Creek

We had quite a welcoming committee when we anchored -
they loved the stale bread I fed them

One of the marinas at Fairlee Creek

A cute little bar and beach area

The baby birds are growing up

Our anchorage at Still Pond

More of Still Pond

Beautiful sunset over Still Pond

Yikes - rain is coming

Heavy waves around the boat in the morning

Beautiful Maryland countryside

More of the Maryland farmlands

Another beautiful sunset - over the C&D Canal

Foster and Susan going for a lunch cruise

Sitting at the dock at Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbor

They have a nice pool

and picnic area - all overlooking the river
View of Bohemia Bay River

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