Friday, July 14, 2017

July 9-13, 2017 - Delaware City, anchorages, Harve de Grace

We left Philly around 7:30 to start our southbound trip back to Delaware City.  We docked at the marina and met Foster and Susan at Lewinsky's on Clinton (yes, that's its name) for Sunday brunch and a bloody mary bar.  The rest of the day we relaxed around the boat since we had been kept awake until almost 2:00 am by a party on the Tall Ship that was behind us in Philly.  Monday we waited for the repairman to return our dinghy motor.  He said it was running fine, but when he put it back on the dinghy, it wouldn't work.  So we took off without a working dinghy for two nights of anchoring.  We went back to Cabin John Creek for one night and to the Sassafras River for the other night.  Both places were great anchorages.

Thursday we headed for Harve de Grace, a small town on the west side of the Chesapeake Bay. This is another small town rich in history.  In 1789 the House voted between Washington and Harve de Grace for the permanent location for the capital.  The deciding vote was cast by the Speaker of the House.  I took about a 3 mile walk around the city looking at all the historic buildings.  A bonus for this trip was that we learned that our friends Brian and Janice (Fugitive) were traveling in the area and they came into the marina to see us.  We traveled with them in 2015, and had seen them in Ft. Myers in 2016.  They leave their boat occasionally to head back to Canada to work and see their new granddaughter.  We had a great time with them.  Of course, the first night the Tennessee Honey came out and we talked and laughed until after midnight.  The next day we took the marina courtesy car to WalMart.  Then came docktails, a pretty good dinner at McGregor's, and back to the boat for Port and chocolate candy.  Thankfully, this night ended a little earlier.  We had a great time with them and will probably see them in Florida this winter.

Sunrise above the Delaware River

Back to Delaware City

Yes, there is even a picture of Bill inside
Nuclear power plant - didn't know there was one in this area

Entering the C&D Canal again

The beautiful Maryland countryside
Sunrise over the Sassafras River

Harve de Grave Methodist Church - built in 1901

A Sears & Roebuck catalog house built in 1940

The main downtown street

Here comes Fugitive

Fugitive docked in front of us

A good time was had by all

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