Saturday, July 22, 2017

July 19-20, 2017 - Baltimore

David drove their car and Linda traveled with us as we headed into Baltimore for a few days.  We docked at the Harbor East Marina in the famous Inner Harbor of Baltimore.  We spent four days here and had a great time.  The Inner Harbor area is very busy with hotels, restaurants, and many bars.  After we got settled on Tuesday, we had a quick lunch and then took a trolley tour around the town.  The tour guide was quite a character.  He was in his 80's and his one claim to fame was that he was Eisenhower's doctor (not sure exactly when).  He was too busy telling his personal stories and sometimes forgot to point out the sites. We all decided that no trolley tour can ever match this one! We had a great dinner at La Scala, in Little Italy, followed by a quick trip to the Cat's Eye Pub.

Wednesday we toured the B&O Railroad Museum and took a train ride covering the first mile of the railroad.  We opted for first class tickets so we got a drink and a snack.  One interesting tidbit is that the railroads are responsible for setting the standard time zones across the US so that all trains could keep on the same schedule.  Later we met friends Billie and Donna (also from Newport News) at the Hard Rock Café for lunch then back to the boat for a while.  Thursday night was the big Rangers/Orioles game and it was very, very hot in the stadium.  It was a fun night, even though the Rangers lost.  At least they made a game of it.

Fort McHenry from the water

Entering the Inner Harbor

View of downtown Baltimore

Under Armour headquarters- they even have an entire housing area,
including shops, for their employees

Also headquarters for Domino Sugar

Our view across the water
(evidently some famous athletes live in the top tower of the
building on the left)

Having a great dinner at La Scala - we didn't mind the
wait in the bar because we could watch some of the Rangers game

Our stop after dinner
Evidently the Cat's Eye Pub is not particular about its patrons

Getting ready for our tour

Our first class seats for our one mile train ride

This was our train

The museum building is round with trains around the circle starting
with a horse drawn carriage

This is a water wheel that goes around the Inner Harbor picking up trash

Looking from the outfield - we were behind third base

Ready for the game - David got a certificate since it
was his first time at a game

The boys are warming up

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