Friday, July 7, 2017

July 4-5, 2017 - Cabin John Creek, Delaware City

We left the marina around 8:40, went to the marina next door for fuel and a pumpout, and were anchored in Cabin John Creek by 9:40.  About an hour later, I saw Foster and Susan (Quo Vadimus) coming into the creek.  They had anchored out the night before and passed us on their way back to their marina so decided to stop.  We rafted together and spent an enjoyable afternoon together.  Since it was the 4th, we had hot dogs, beans, corn on the cob (fresh) and watermelon (also fresh) for lunch.  We then put our swimsuits on and went for a swim off the back of the boat.  We evidently anchored in a happening place because by mid afternoon there were quite a few boaters and jet skiiers partying close to us.  About 30 minutes after Foster and Susan left, all the other partyers were gone and we had the place to ourselves. 

We left the anchorage Wednesday morning around 7:30 and headed to Delaware City.  We entered the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal (the C&D Canal) which is a 14 mile canal that connects the Chesapeake Bay to the Delaware River making shipping easier from Philadelphia to Baltimore.  We crossed the state line into Delaware, and were docked at the Delaware City Marina by 10:30.  We had been here two years ago but the weather was rainy and cold and we never did get to explore the city.  We spent a lot of time walking the streets today looking at the 19th and early 20th century homes.  They were all built on very narrow lots and some looked like several houses were built together with a common wall.  We continue to have problems with the dinghy motor so we left it there for someone to work on it.

Celebrating the 4th with Susan and Foster

Rafted up for the afternoon with Quo Vadimus

There was quite a party going on behind us

By 6:00 everyone was gone

Our nice peaceful anchorage

Part of the main downtown street

One of the historic hotels

More of the main street

A real blacksmith shop

This house dates back to the 1800s

One of the locks of the original C&D Canal

The marina is one long dock along the original C&D Canal
A sample of how some of the homes were built sharing a common wall -
narrow in the front but they extended back

Of course, there is ice cream

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