Monday, November 13, 2017

Nov. 5- 11, 2017 - Charleston (plus a trip to Fort Worth)

We left our anchorage at Dewees Creek for our two hour trip to Charleston.  We waited while Rob docked with his one engine and then came in beside them.  Our friend Ryan (our Coast Guard buddy and husband of Tara who we saw in Beaufort) was still in Charleston.  He came over to the boat for a visit followed by a good bar-b-que dinner.  On Monday, Tricia and I took the marina courtesy car into Charleston for a girls day out.  We had a great time shopping and drinking margaritas for lunch.  Ryan came back over for a spaghetti dinner Monday night.  Later that evening, Dan and Jacque (Horizon Chaser) came over for a visit.  They had come into the marina that day.  We last saw them in Brewerton in 2015.

Tuesday, I hopped a plane and headed to Fort Worth to visit my mother and sister.  Mother, who turned 94 on Sunday, had been in the hospital so I flew in to make sure she was okay.  I enjoyed meeting friends George and Mary Jane for lunch one day.  Most of the time I just hung around mother's apartment, ate Mexican food with Susan, and enjoyed our visit.  I flew back to Charleston on Saturday night.

Passing Fort Sumter on the way into Charleston

Our home for the next week and a half

It was great to see Ryan again 

This is known as really high tide in the parking lot

Girls day out - fun masks at one of the stores

I'm not sure who wears these frilly, see-through pants

Walking through the City Market

Lunch time (we ate here two years ago)

Lunch with margaritas

A really big cruise ship from Germany

Dan and Jacque (Horizon Chaser)

Lunch with George and Mary Jane in Fort Worth

My mother

Couldn't pass through Houston without getting a t-shirt

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