Saturday, November 25, 2017

Nov. 19-24, 2017 - Cumberland Island, Fernandina Beach

We left Jekyll Island around 8:30 and headed to Cumberland Island. The trip was a little windy and the water choppy as we passed an inlet from the Atlantic Ocean.  We anchored on the south end (we had been to the north end earlier in the summer with the girls) and relaxed around the boat the rest of the day.  We were going to go explore the island on Monday, but didn't feel real confident in the dinghy motor, so we enjoyed another day of reading and relaxing on the boat.

We left Cumberland Tuesday for a quick one hour trip to Fernandina Beach (back into Florida again).  A repairman came to get the dinghy motor to install the new carburetor, and I made a quick trip to a clinic to get some drugs for the crud I had picked up.  We later made a trip to WalMart and Winn Dixie to get ready for our Thanksgiving dinner with Rob and Tricia.  On Wednesday, Rob and Glenda (Monterrey) drove in from Jacksonville (they spent 6 days with us in Florida last summer), and Rob and Tricia drove down from Beaufort, N.C. (their boat is there for repairs).  We had a great visit and all went into town for a pretty good Mexican dinner.  Rob and Glenda had plans for Thanksgiving, so they left to go back to Jacksonville.  After a good breakfast on Thursday, Thanksgiving preparations began.  It was a rainy day, so it was fun to just hang around the boat and prepare food (and boy did the boat smell good!).  Rob prepared the turkey and Jack fixed a lot of the side dishes.  We had a great dinner with great friends.  Terry and Carol (Carol Ann) who had pulled in behind us, came over for a while after our dinner.  Terry pulled out his trick card deck and performed a few magic tricks for us.  After that, Tricia and Rob headed back to their boat in Beaufort.  They will catch up with us in a few days.

Due to pretty heavy winds, we stayed in Fernandina Beach on Friday.  The rain left and the day was beautiful and sunny.  The town was well into the Christmas spirit with a pajama party all day in the town plus many other festivities.  It was a lot of fun, and we had a great time exploring all the stores and watching all the people.  We were glad we stayed, plus we were able to have docktails again that night with Terry and Carol.

Passing North Cumberland Island on a windy, cloudy day

There was a cruise ship anchored across from the marina.  The passengers
were taken out to the ship by dinghy.

Glenda, Rob, Jack, Tricia and Rob

A great time and good Mexican food

Turkey preparations have begun

A great day with great friends

Then there's the clean up

Who doesn't love to squirt whipped cream into your mouth!

Tricia and Carol watching Terry's card tricks

The downtown festivities

Everyone is in matching pajamas (including the dogs)

A lot of activities

Downtown Fernandina Beach (on a beautiful, sunny day)

A pretty cute staircase leading up to the art gallery

An interesting porch on this house complete with painted horses

Fernandina Beach is ready for Christmas

The first sunset we had seen in a few days

Carol and Terry

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