Monday, November 20, 2017

Nov. 15-18, 2017 - Cowan Creek, Redbird Creek, Jekyll Island

We said goodbye to Rob and Trisha and left Charleston around 8:00 for a beautiful day on the water.  It was a little chilly but it was great to be moving again.  We anchored at Cowan Creek around 3:50.  Thursday was another beautiful day on the water.  We are beginning to see more and more dolphins.  We left South Carolina, entered Georgia and went passed Savannah (we'll catch it next time around).  We anchored later that afternoon at Redbird Creek.  We are definitely in the "Low Country" which means marshland and sometimes very shallow water.  There were a few places where we had to make sure we were going through an hour or two after low tide.  Both of our anchorages were beautiful and quiet.

We left our anchorage Friday and docked at Jekyll Island Marina around 3:45.  Jekyll Island is a very quaint island.  The island was founded in 1733 and is eight miles long and one mile wide.  There are quite a few homes of the rich and famous still on the island.  While Jack played golf, I walked around the famous historic part of the town which includes the Jekyll Island Club Hotel (we had a drink on the porch when we were there earlier this year), plus many cottages of the rich and famous of the 1800's including the Rockefellers, Pulitzers, Vanderbilts.  The entire historic area was already decorated for Christmas.

Beautiful home as we were leaving Charleston

Getting into the Low Country

Beautiful sunset from our Cowan Creek anchorage

This is really the Low Country

The Atlantic Ocean from my drive along the beach at Jekyll Island

The Jekyll Island Marina (we're on the outside of the dock on the right)

Beautiful Moss Cottage built in 1896 - named for the moss
hanging from the Oak trees

The Goodyear cottage - owned by Frank Henry Goodyear; completed
in 1906

Indian Mound - home of William Rockefeller, built in 1892

The Jekyll Island Club Hotel

Jekyll Island is ready for Christmas

The sunset over Jekyll Island

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