Sunday, November 5, 2017

Nov. 1- 4, 2017 - Myrtle Beach, Georgetown, Dewees Creek

We left Southport around 7:20 for another great day on the water.  We pulled into Osprey Marina around 3:00 and were met at the dock by Rob and Tricia.  Mascot pulled in shortly after that. Tricia took me for a WalMart run.  Then we all had docktails together and dinner at Socastee Station.  Thursday we all headed to Georgetown for the day.  We anchored in front of Mascot and later Linda Jean rafted next to us for the night.  We spent an enjoyable afternoon shopping and walking around the town.  That night we had docktails, soup and bread pudding for dinner.

Friday, Mascot took off early for a long day.  We left with Linda Jean around 8:30 and anchored at Dewees Creek around 3:00.  We went through many shallow areas during the day, so we had to really watch where we were going.  Tricia fixed dinner and we ate aboard Linda Jean.  Just as we were anchoring, Rob lost his starboard engine, so we decided we would go into Charleston for repairs.  Since all the marinas were full, we spent Saturday at our anchorage.  After a good breakfast, we spent the day doing chores and just relaxing.  We ended the day with a good steak dinner and a beautiful sunset.

Some beautiful homes along the ICW

More homes

We call this the Pepto Bismol house
(this picture was also here on our trip north)

This area is known as the Rock Pile - those are rocks sticking out -
you don't want to run into them

Our favorite dock in Myrtle Beach - its free and it's
within walking distance of WalMart, Bass Pro and Hooters

Entering the channel for Osprey Marina

Dinner at Socastee Station with Mary, me, Tricia, Rob, Jack and Scott

View out the channel of Osprey

Beautiful, calm day on the water

Our parade - Mascot way in the front, with Linda Jean just in front of us

Another dinner on the back deck

Heading down the ICW with Linda Jean leading the way

Beautiful full moon

and a beautiful sunrise over Dewees Creek

Saturday morning breakfast
Rafted with Linda Jean at Dewees Creek

A beautiful sunset

1 comment:

  1. You do a beautiful job catching the essence of your travels and with great pictures.
