Monday, July 31, 2017

July 25-30, 2017 - Fairlee Creek, Still Pond, Bohemia River

After our fun filled days in Baltimore and Dundalk, we ate a last breakfast Tuesday morning at the Hard Yacht Café and then headed for four days of anchoring - two at Fairlee Creek and two at Still Pond. Both anchorages were nice and we enjoyed some relaxation for a few days.  Thursday morning we left Fairlee Creek and were heading for Worton Creek, however we didn't care for the anchorage when we got there so headed a little further north to Still Pond.  About 3:00 am Saturday morning, the winds switched and blew directly into our anchorage causing some fairly heavy waves around the boat.  We left around 8:00 but it was very tricky pulling the anchor in and then fairly heavy once we got out into the Chesapeake.  We tossed and turned for about an hour and pulled into Sassafras River for about two hours and waited for the winds to calm down.  Finally around noon, we were able to pull out and have a little better ride up to the Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbor.  This was our second time to the Bohemia River, but first time to this marina (home of Foster and Susan, Quo Vadimus).  After we were settled, we visited with Foster and Susan for a while.  Foster let us take his car for a grocery and farmer's market run.  We then had docktails on their boat and all went out for a good dinner.  It was nice to eat out after spending four days on the boat.  Sunday, I went with Susan to a new craft store.  Later after a final goodbye to Foster and Susan, we spent the rest of the evening recouperating from our night of lost sleep.

This is a Mudslide - it was delicious

Our anchorage at Fairlee Creek

Funny looking little house overlooking Fairlee Creek

We had quite a welcoming committee when we anchored -
they loved the stale bread I fed them

One of the marinas at Fairlee Creek

A cute little bar and beach area

The baby birds are growing up

Our anchorage at Still Pond

More of Still Pond

Beautiful sunset over Still Pond

Yikes - rain is coming

Heavy waves around the boat in the morning

Beautiful Maryland countryside

More of the Maryland farmlands

Another beautiful sunset - over the C&D Canal

Foster and Susan going for a lunch cruise

Sitting at the dock at Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbor

They have a nice pool

and picnic area - all overlooking the river
View of Bohemia Bay River

Monday, July 24, 2017

July 21-22, 2017 - Baltimore

Friday didn't get started until around lunch time.  We spent the day at Fell's Point, an historic waterfront neighborhood established around 1763.  The streets are full of row houses containing apartments, restaurants, pubs, and stores of all kinds.  These row houses are each just 12 feet in width making most of the restaurants and pubs very long and narrow.  We started with lunch at the Sip and Bite and then walked all around Fell's Point spending time at many of the unique bars.  We had a great dinner at Peter's and then back to the Cat's Eye Pub for some evening entertainment (which included watching the Astros beat the O's).  Everyone went home Saturday, so after a trip to Whole Foods, we settled in for the day.  I walked more around the town and got back just in time for some showers.  We sure had a great time with everyone this week.

This was by our restaurant - not sure if we should be offended by it

Some samples of the row houses - evidently you
can tell the age of the building by the size of the windows.  In the old ones,
the windows are very narrow.

More residences

One of the busy streets in Fell's Point

This old pier was recently renovated into an exclusive hotel

This walkway goes down the middle of the hotel with the
rooms on either side

A beautiful bar and restaurant

Some very unique art work - it changes colors

We created our own art work

A fairly famous saloon (see the write up below)
Info on the Horse You Came In On Saloon

One of our stops

This is Lil' Phil's Tavern - very narrow

A nice lady was glad to take our picture

Donna and David after a great dinner

This is the Coast Guard Cutter Taney - built in 1936.  The last warship
still afloat which saw action at Pearl Harbor

World Trade Center Baltimore with metal from New York

Saturday, July 22, 2017

July 19-20, 2017 - Baltimore

David drove their car and Linda traveled with us as we headed into Baltimore for a few days.  We docked at the Harbor East Marina in the famous Inner Harbor of Baltimore.  We spent four days here and had a great time.  The Inner Harbor area is very busy with hotels, restaurants, and many bars.  After we got settled on Tuesday, we had a quick lunch and then took a trolley tour around the town.  The tour guide was quite a character.  He was in his 80's and his one claim to fame was that he was Eisenhower's doctor (not sure exactly when).  He was too busy telling his personal stories and sometimes forgot to point out the sites. We all decided that no trolley tour can ever match this one! We had a great dinner at La Scala, in Little Italy, followed by a quick trip to the Cat's Eye Pub.

Wednesday we toured the B&O Railroad Museum and took a train ride covering the first mile of the railroad.  We opted for first class tickets so we got a drink and a snack.  One interesting tidbit is that the railroads are responsible for setting the standard time zones across the US so that all trains could keep on the same schedule.  Later we met friends Billie and Donna (also from Newport News) at the Hard Rock Café for lunch then back to the boat for a while.  Thursday night was the big Rangers/Orioles game and it was very, very hot in the stadium.  It was a fun night, even though the Rangers lost.  At least they made a game of it.

Fort McHenry from the water

Entering the Inner Harbor

View of downtown Baltimore

Under Armour headquarters- they even have an entire housing area,
including shops, for their employees

Also headquarters for Domino Sugar

Our view across the water
(evidently some famous athletes live in the top tower of the
building on the left)

Having a great dinner at La Scala - we didn't mind the
wait in the bar because we could watch some of the Rangers game

Our stop after dinner
Evidently the Cat's Eye Pub is not particular about its patrons

Getting ready for our tour

Our first class seats for our one mile train ride

This was our train

The museum building is round with trains around the circle starting
with a horse drawn carriage

This is a water wheel that goes around the Inner Harbor picking up trash

Looking from the outfield - we were behind third base

Ready for the game - David got a certificate since it
was his first time at a game

The boys are warming up