Monday, August 21, 2017

August 16-20, 2017 - Wye River

After spending two days running errands, we left Annapolis, in a little fog, for a three hour trip back across the Chesapeake to one of our favorite anchorages - Wye Island.  We spent three days at Dividing River and two days at Drum Point, on the other side of the island.  We took a 20 mile trip around Wye Island one day, stopping at a picnic spot at the state park for lunch. I took a short hike on one of the hiking trails after lunch.  The next day we took a ride up Pickering Creek and stopped at an Audubon park, but the bugs were so bad we didn't last long. 

On Saturday we moved to the other side of the island to Drum Point and, once again, took a dinghy ride up the Wye River.  Unfortunately, a few miles into our day, the dinghy shut down (again).  Efforts to start it failed, so we called TowBoat US and were told it would be a three hour wait for someone to tow us back to our boat.  I started watching for boats to flag down and it didn't take long for one to come by.  Turns out it was a bunch of college kids who graciously towed us back to the boat.  We invited them onto the boat for a beer, gave them a tour of the boat, and had a delightful time talking to them for a while.  They are high school friends and all were getting ready to head back for their sophomore year in college.  We were so thankful for their help.  We were going to head back to St. Michaels on Sunday, but with no dinghy to use, we just stayed at our peaceful anchorage another day.

It was a little foggy on the Chesapeake as we left Annapolis

Our lunch view the first day at Dividing Creek

Our lunch view the second day at Dividing Creek from
a picnic area in the state park

One of the nice hiking trails around the state park

Tucked back in our anchorage

This is the front side of a waterman's shack at the Audubon park
This is the back side of the waterman's shack - they pull their boats in
and dump all their crabs in the bins
View of Pickering Creek from the Audubon park

Maggie, Dan, Lucy,  Cameron, Christian, Ethan, Matthew -
our new friends

Off they go

They put on a wakeboarding show for us

A beautiful sunset over the Wye River

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