Thursday, August 10, 2017

Aug. 4 - 8, 2017 - Chester River, Chestertown

We left Rock Hall around 10:15 and anchored around 12:30 at Corsica River, off the Chester River.  After a quick lunch, we jumped in the dinghy for some sightseeing.  Unfortunately, about 30 minutes into a trip the motor stopped.  Jack started rowing back to the boat and, after about an hour and a half, we flagged down a passing boater who kindly towed us back to the boat.  Turns out a shutoff switch had jarred closed.  So after fixing that, everything was fine.  Saturday morning, it was pretty windy at our anchorage so we moved up the river a little to get more protection.  Then it was back in the dinghy to tour the little town of Centreville which was incorporated in 1794.  There was a nice town dock where we left the dinghy and walked into town and lucked into a farmer's market.

Sunday we moved from our anchorage on the Corsica River back to the Chester River and anchored at Conquest Beach.  This was a pretty popular area and by 1:00 it was filled with boats.  We took the dinghy to shore and walked the beach for a while, then took another dinghy ride around the river.  We woke up Monday to rain, so we just stayed put for the day and, after spending a little time in the engine room, we enjoyed the rainy day.

Tuesday we left our anchorage and headed about 10 miles up the Chester River to the town of Chestertown, the county seat for Kent County since 1706.  The town is also known for having its own Revolutionary Tea Party in 1774 just shortly after the Boston Tea Party.  The town is full of 18th and 19th century buildings that are still standing today.  We spent the day walking around the town, going into the shops, and having lunch.  It was a very busy little town.

One of the many huge mansions along the Corsica River

Being towed back to the boat - again

Beautiful sunset over Corsica River

Walking the streets in Centreville - probably the largest
crepe myrtle we had ever seen

Historic downtown of Centreville

Behind all of the huge mansions are acres and acres of corn -
we understand it is used for ethanol

We think this house belongs to the owner of the Baltimore Ravens.  He
supposedly had a yacht that he keeps at his house at times and
this is the largest dock we saw along the river

Beautiful anchorage on the Corsica River

This mansion originally belonged to the builder of the
Empire State Building but is now owned by the former
Soviet Union and used by members of its embassy

Our anchorage at Conquest Beach

A lot of boaters at the beach on a beautiful Sunday afternoon

Jack down checking the props

Rainy days and Mondays - always good on a boat
A little history regarding Chestertown

A beautiful garden between two historic homes in Chestertown

The main street in downtown Chestertown

One of the many historic homes built in the early 1700s

These historic homes line the streets

Afternoon snack time - I had to steer clear of them walking back to the boat

George Washington slept here during the Revolutionary War.  The president
of Washington University (in Chestertown) lives here now.

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