Saturday, January 10, 2015

January 9-10, 2015 - The Beginning: Dog River to Niceville

After years of talking and planning, we officially started our Great Loop adventure!  With pure excitement, we left Dog River Friday morning and will return to Dog River approximately 10 months and 6,000 miles from now.  Our first day wasn't without some trials and tribulations though.  We had no steering as we were leaving the marina and had to use the autopilot to get us out into Mobile Bay.  After a phone call to Mark (the previous owner) for trouble shooting, we found the problem (a leak in the hydraulic pump).  After a quick stop at Lulu's, we were able to fix the problem and get underway again - with steering.  Friday was cold, cloudy and fairly rough crossing Mobile Bay.  We anchored out Friday night at Ft. McCree Cove, Pensacola.  We were on the flight path for the Naval Air Station and had several planes flying overhead.  The only problem Friday night - it was too cold to sit on the back deck and enjoy the peace and quiet.  Saturday morning was still cold but nice and sunny, and we were up and underway early.  Lunch tasted great on the bridge as we passed the beautiful water and white sands of Florida.  We had a good ride into Bluewater Bay Marina, Niceville, where we will stay until Tuesday.

We have officially started!!

Goodbye Dog River Marina

Marker where we will cross our wake

Beautiful white sand dunes along the way

Our first sunrise on the Loop

More pretty water and white sand

Bluewater Bay Marina, Niceville

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