Monday, January 19, 2015

January 15, 2015 - Panama City to Apalachicola

We pulled up the anchor around 6:45 am and took off.  It was a little cold and cloudy when we started.  Our route today took us along some narrow, winding rivers.  We saw a little industry and a few houses, but mostly nature at its best.  We ended up traveling most of the day in the rain.  However, the rain didn’t stop our friends the dolphins from putting on a show for us several times again today.  At one time we had 3-5 dolphins on each side of the boat jumping and splashing.  We will never get tired of them.  We tied up at the Apalachicola Marina around 2:45 and immediately took off to get some Apalachicola oysters (at least Jack did; I had shrimp).  After a little cleaning of us and the boat, we met our neighbors Larry and Linda (Lila Blue) for docktails.  We then took the courtesy golf cart (with no lights; in the dark; in the rain) to get dinner which was very good.  Apalachicola is a cute little town but the rain kept us from doing much exploring,

Rainy view from the bridge

Our friends entertained us along the way
Apalachicola oysters

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