Monday, January 19, 2015

January 17-18, 2015 - The Crossing (Carrabelle to Dunedin)

We spent the morning in Carrabelle walking around the town.  We walked by the Carrabelle Police Station (the world’s smallest police station – a phone booth) and stopped at the local grocery store for their famous fried chicken.  We got the boat (and ourselves) ready for the big “crossing” – Carrabelle to Dunedin.  We left about 2:00 pm Saturday and arrived in Dunedin at 10:00 am Sunday morning.  Most of the crossing was after dark and out of sight of land.  It was both exciting and scary. The sunset and stars were beautiful.   It was a real adventure.  We took two hour shifts of sitting at the helm and sleeping.  We kept the radar on to watch for other vessels or any structures that might be in the Gulf.  The weather was perfect and the waters fairly calm.  Of course, once again we had dolphins jumping and splashing by the boat on the way into Dunedin.  By the time we got close to the entrance to Dunedin, we caught up with Linda and Larry (Lila Blue) and followed them since they had done this before.  They travel slower than we do and left Carrabelle earlier Saturday morning.  We both arrived at the marina about the same time.  Once we were securely tied at the dock, we all went to breakfast and then back to sleep and recuperate from the all-nighter.  We spent the rest of the day cleaning inside and outside.
Carrabelle Police Station

The chart showing our route across the Gulf

Beautiful sunset over the water

Beautiful sunrise after a long night

Our friends put on a show for us
Nearly Perfect taken by Lila Blue
Following Lila Blue into Dunedin

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