Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 6-7, 2015 - The Parties

After catching our breath a little after Wednesday, we got around to popping the cork on the champagne Friday night.  Jack and Jane drove down from Guntersville to celebrate with us and it was great to see them again.  The Friday night party was at Vicki and Chuck's house (Patriot).  It was great to see them again and it was a great gathering -- Richard and Nicole (Coeur de Lion), Donadee and Wayne (Always Home), Jonathan and Rosa (Salty).  It was a great evening of celebration with friends.  Saturday we met at the Grand Mariner Restaurant for a Looper luncheon.  That group included Jack and Jane, Donadee and Wayne, Chuck and Vicki, and Connie and Marv (Sadie Too - they had just come into Dog River the day before).  Jennifer and Katie also joined the celebration as we were in our red Loop Cruise 2015 shirts (Kayla was out of town on a church trip).  We had a great lunch and a great time talking and sharing stories.  Even though our Loop Cruise 2015 has ended, the friendships and parties will continue for a long time.

Sadly this will be our last blog entry.  This blog was done as a labor of love to share our adventure with family and friends (and to help us remember all the amazing places we visited and people we met).  We thank everyone who followed along on our great journey.

Jonathan, Richard, Nicole, Donadee, Jane, Jack, Rosa, Chuck, me, Jack, Wayne and Vicki

Jonathan, Nicole, Richard, Jack

Vicki, Chuck, Jack and Wayne

Jane and Donadee

Our Saturday lunch group - Jennifer, Chuck, Vicki, Connie, Marv, Jack, me, Jack,
Jane, Donadee, Wayne and Katie

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