Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 20-22, 2015 - Green Turtle Bay

Green Turtle Bay is a great marina/resort area in Grand Lakes, Kentucky.  It is between Barkley Lake on the Cumberland River and Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River.  It is a great property with condos, the marina, a store, two restaurants, several pools (indoors and outdoors), plus a spa offering a workout room, hair salon, manicures, pedicures, facials and massages. We're going to have a week of R&R here.  We spent most of Sunday just relaxing and recuperating from our three full days on the water.  We rented one of the marina golf carts in the afternoon and drove into town to look around.  Monday was chores and laundry day, although we did find time to take a  dinghy ride to explore the lakes and look for possible picnic places.  Spirit was pulled out of the water to remove and repair damaged props.  We had a surprise visit from Danny and June who were close by in Paducah visiting their son.  It was great to see them again.  We had a big dinner that night at Patti's, a restaurant in town famous for its 2" pork chops.  There were 12 in our group (Spirit, Plane to Sea, Rhon-da-vous, Tuscobia, Sadie Too), plus there were other groups of Loopers there also.  Tuesday we took the marina courtesy car and drove around the Lake Between the Lakes National Park (between Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake) and, of course, a trip to Walmart.

Patti's Restaurant

Main street in Grand Rivers (it's only a few blocks long)

Entry to the resort

Spirit on the lift to remove its props

Spirit had to be towed back to the slip

Bonus visit from Danny and June

Nearly Perfect on the far right

A few of the condos on the property

A nice playground by the condos

One of the outdoor pools

View of part of the marina - this is the dock
with all the Looper boats

There are a lot of large houseboats on these lakes

Patti's famous 2" pork chop

and lemon meringue pie

An overstuffed crowd

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