Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 20-22, 2015 - Green Turtle Bay

Green Turtle Bay is a great marina/resort area in Grand Lakes, Kentucky.  It is between Barkley Lake on the Cumberland River and Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River.  It is a great property with condos, the marina, a store, two restaurants, several pools (indoors and outdoors), plus a spa offering a workout room, hair salon, manicures, pedicures, facials and massages. We're going to have a week of R&R here.  We spent most of Sunday just relaxing and recuperating from our three full days on the water.  We rented one of the marina golf carts in the afternoon and drove into town to look around.  Monday was chores and laundry day, although we did find time to take a  dinghy ride to explore the lakes and look for possible picnic places.  Spirit was pulled out of the water to remove and repair damaged props.  We had a surprise visit from Danny and June who were close by in Paducah visiting their son.  It was great to see them again.  We had a big dinner that night at Patti's, a restaurant in town famous for its 2" pork chops.  There were 12 in our group (Spirit, Plane to Sea, Rhon-da-vous, Tuscobia, Sadie Too), plus there were other groups of Loopers there also.  Tuesday we took the marina courtesy car and drove around the Lake Between the Lakes National Park (between Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake) and, of course, a trip to Walmart.

Patti's Restaurant

Main street in Grand Rivers (it's only a few blocks long)

Entry to the resort

Spirit on the lift to remove its props

Spirit had to be towed back to the slip

Bonus visit from Danny and June

Nearly Perfect on the far right

A few of the condos on the property

A nice playground by the condos

One of the outdoor pools

View of part of the marina - this is the dock
with all the Looper boats

There are a lot of large houseboats on these lakes

Patti's famous 2" pork chop

and lemon meringue pie

An overstuffed crowd

Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 17-19, 2015 - Diversion Channel, Green Turtle Bay

We left Hoppies at 7:00 for a long day on the Mississippi River.  We had great weather and passed many barges.  We anchored at Little River Diversion Channel around 3:30 and relaxed the rest of the day.  We traveled a total of 107 miles, the most miles in a day on the loop to date.  We left our anchorage at about 6:50 Friday and at approximately 10:30 we left the Mississippi River and entered the Ohio River.  We arrived at the Olmsted Lock at 12:30 and were told we had to wait until about 5:00 due to construction in the canal.  There were 7 Looper boats so we all tied together and waited out the afternoon.  Finally at 5:00 a lead boat led us through the new lock and the old lock.  We traveled another 20 miles and at 7:15 anchored out for the night at mile 949 (yes, that is what it was called).  This was our longest day.  We left our anchorage at 6:30 Saturday and arrived at Lock 53 at 8:00 (which we were told to do by the lockmaster).  We were then told the wait to get into the lock would be about an hour and a half.  We finally entered the lock at 10:00 and were out around 10:30.  We eventually left the Ohio River and entered the Tennessee River.  We had one more lock (the Kentucky lock) and we waited about an hour for it.  We entered beautiful Kentucky Lake and then arrived at Green Turtle Bay Resort and Marina at 4:30.

Passing a barge on the Mississippi River

Some nice houses along the river

Our anchorage at the Diversion Channel

Sunrise on the Mississippi River

Another view from the bridge of the Mississippi River
All rafted together waiting for the Olmsted Lock - Blue Haven, Spirit,
Nearly Perfect, Reunion, Gemini;
Sea to See and Namaste separate anchor
(thanks for the picture Lila Daut)

Finally being led through the Olmsted Lock

Sunset from our anchorage at Mile 949

Passing Paducah, Kentucky
(Turns out friends Danny and June were on the beach waiving at us)

Paducah, Kentucky - leaving the Ohio River (on the left)
and entering the Tennessee River

Kentucky lock - 57 foot lift

September 14-16, 2015 - Alton, Hoppies

We left Grafton at 8:45 for a  quick two hour trip to Alton.  We are now officially on the “Upper” Mississippi River which is very muddy and has a lot of debris and barges.  Another historical fact – Alton was the site of the 7th Lincoln Douglas debate on October 15, 1858.  Another fact:  My good friend George Ott was born in Alton.  We spent two days in Alton.  Jane and I walked into the town one day but didn't find much.  Most of our time was spent in the pool and hot tub.  We had a Looper pot luck dinner the last night with Marv and Connie (Sadie Too), Bill and Kellirae (Ocean Dancer), Jeff and Rhonda (Rhon-da-vous), Jack and Jane.  Ron and Michelle (Spirit Journey) came in late and just visited for a few minutes before heading to dinner.  We left Alton at 7:00 Wednesday and headed for the two locks of the day.  We got right in the first lock but would have had about a 3 hour wait at the second except someone in a training class came down to let the pleasure boats through (the tugs always get first priority).  We passed the Arch in St. Louis and docked at Hoppies at 12:30.  Ocean Dancer was right behind us.  We all walked up to the town for a good lunch at the Blue Owl (famous for its apple pie thanks to Oprah).  After lunch we walked through the town.  There were quite a few unique gift shops (check out the picture of the hat below).  There is also a very pretty small horse farm previously owned by the Busch family that has been donated to the city for the use by handicapped children.  The owner of Hoppies, Fern, is known far and wide by all Loopers.  Fern knows all the ins and outs of traveling the Mississippi River and has a captain's meeting in the afternoons to keep everyone informed of conditions along the River.

Scenery along the Mississippi River

Visiting Alton

Jack is catching some rays

The marina has a nice pool and hot tub

Argosy casino in Alton

Looking down the hill at the main street in Alton

Nice park area next to the marina

Nearly Perfect sitting in a covered slip

Looper dinner with Sadie Too, Ocean Dancer, Rhon-da-vous, Spirit

A lot of barges along the way

Chain of Rocks Canal

Passing St. Louis

A few of the stores in Kimmswick

My newest fashion accessory -
Imagine finding a Texas hat in Kimmswick!
(Thanks Jane)

The marina (which is a barge) at Hoppies (Kimmswick)

Fern's captain's meeting with Tranquility, Something Special, Spirit

Monday, September 14, 2015

September 10-13, 2015 - Peoria, Bar Island, Grafton

We left Ottawa at 7:00, again to try to get a jump on the only lock of day, and again, the lock waited for the other 3 boats to catch up before locking us through.  After that, it was smooth sailing.  The scenery along the Illinois River turned to farmland with grain elevators and barges dotting the landscape.  We dodged some pretty severe looking showers late in the afternoon and docked at the city dock in Peoria for the night, along with Sid and Evelyn (Something Special - from Canada).  On Friday, we left Peoria at 7:45 to get to the first lock by 8:30.  Once again, our plan didn’t work.  We waited until 9:30 before entering the lock and pulled out at 9:45.  The rest of the day was very pleasant.  The weather was great and the Illinois River was very relaxing.   We anchored out in a beautiful spot for the night, Bar Island, and ate leftovers on our back deck.  The anchorage was very peaceful and the stars that night were beautiful. On Saturday, we left Bar Island around 6:45, once again get to our one lock for the day.  Fortunately, we got there and entered the lock with no waiting.  We met several barges during the day.  It was a long day and we docked at Grafton Harbor Marina around 4:00.  Grafton Harbor is where the Illinois River meets the Mississippi River.  Sunday was a day of cleaning and waiting for the courtesy car to run some errands.  Jim and Kellirae (Ocean Dancer-only on the loop 8 days) came over for docktails and we all went up the hill to Aerie's Winery for dinner.  This is a restaurant at the top of a hill.  It is billed at the best view in the Midwest, and they were right.  The view was breathtaking.
Pretty cliffs along the Illinois River

More of the Illinois River

A lot of grain silos along the way

We also run into a lot of barge traffic

View of the city dock in Peoria - Something Special (or Mini--Spirit as we call them)
and Spirit still docked

Big Caterpillar plant in Peoria

More of the Illinois River

The view from our anchorage for the night

Plus a beautiful sunset

Approaching Grafton - where the Illinois River meets the Mississippi River

View from our slip

Grafton - everything is up hill from the marina

View from Aerie's Winery (looking to the left) - absolutely breathtaking

View looking straight ahead

View looking right

After a great dinner - us, Jack and Jane, Kellirae and Bill