Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 21, 2015 - Week 3 in Paradise

We met Danny, June, Jan and Bud for breakfast at Blue Heaven Monday morning.  On Tuesday they all came over for a lunch cruise around Key West.  We had a great time cruising and eating hot dogs.  We then said goodbye to Danny and June with a promise to see them when we get to Elizabeth City, NC.  Thursday was a tourist day.  We took a tour of Truman's Little White House and Hemingway’s House (complete with six-toed cats).  Both tours were extremely interesting.  The White House was very nice and comfortable.  However, the Secret Service did not allow any photos to be taken inside since it is still used.  We did a lot of walking and window shopping on Duval Street.  The perfect ending to our day -- finding a Mexican restaurant with good food!  We were going to stay for the sundowner shows at Mallory Square but it was too cold and windy.  The weather has been a little cold and very windy most of the week.  Key West had a record low this week.  Glad we could be here to experience that!  Friday night we had dinner with Pete, Jenny, John and Kathy.  Saturday we went back into Key West to walk Duval Street (again), have dinner, and a drink overlooking the harbor.  We are finally getting into a warming trend.
One of two cruise lines docked in Key West

Carnival Cruise
Sunset Key - exclusive island off Key West.  Rumored that Jimmy Buffet has a house there.

Lunch cruise - June, Jan, Bud

Jan and Bud

Key West Art Museum
Two Friends Restaurant - we ate a few meals there

Truman's Little White House

Getting ready for our tour
One of the six-toed cats

More kitties - one six-toed - they seem to own the house

Hemingway's office showing his old, manual typewriter

A very friendly kitty - I don't think Jack was counting his toes as the claws were digging into his leg

Yummy Mexican food
Street performers along Duval Street

Historic bar - Hemingway a regular patron there

Smallest Bar

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