Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015 - Key West

Today we slept in, ate a little breakfast, and then prepared to leave Saddlebunch Harbor.  The run to Key West was only about an hour from where we anchored Saturday night.  The wind was up and the seas fairly rough for our trip.  We left Saddlebunch Harbor around 10:00 am and arrived at Stock Island Marina (one island up from Key West) around 11:30 am.  We took Mr. Scooter off the top of the boat and settled into our slip.  Later we took the scooter across the bridge into Key West for a quick shopping trip at Publix.  Evidently Cuba is closer than a WalMart!  We spent the day settling in and then attended a Super Bowl party at the marina clubhouse.  We'll be here for the month of February enjoying the sunshine and clear water.

Saddlebunch Harbor

Leaving Saddlebunch Harbor

Stock Island Marina

Our home for the next month

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