Monday, November 3, 2014

November 2, 2014 - Biloxi to Dog River Marina

Our friends George and Mary Jane  drove down from Fort Worth to join us on our little mini-trip.  We were going to leave on Saturday, November 1, but the weather was cold and windy.  We decided to wait until Sunday when the winds were supposed to be a little calmer.  We were up early on Sunday and had the boat ready to leave the slip around 6:30 a.m.  We said goodbye to Biloxi and began the next phase of our adventure.  The trip took us across Mississippi Sound into Mobile Bay.  We had 1-3 foot waves most of the way.  It was pretty cold and we all had on many layers of clothing.  Other than that, it was a fun trip.  We all took turns at the helm – of course, auto pilot did most of the work.  We pulled into Dog River Marina around 2:30 p.m.  After fueling up and pumping out, we pulled into our new home for the next two months.  We will look forward to greeting all the Loopers who will stop by here to fuel up before heading on to their next location.   


And we're off
Bye bye Biloxi
A pretty day from the bridge
Waiving to our friends on the M.E. Lou II heading back to Biloxi
One last pumpout for George
Our new home for the next few months


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm proud of you guys for seizing the moment and making your adventure happen...Soak it up!

  3. Have a Great Trip
    Dave & Terry Pierce
