Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2, 2014 - Goodbye Kemah

We left Kemah around 7:00 a.m. to begin the first leg of our adventure.  Our friends George and Mary Jane were on the dock to help us untie our lines and get underway.  They even had a ceremonial confetti sendoff for us which was great.  We thanked them for their help and waived goodbye. Our friend John waived from his golf cart as we pulled away from the dock.  We had a great day on the water and anchored out at Shell Island, Louisiana for the night.  After we were anchored and secured, we popped open a bottle of champaign (compliments of my parents and sister) and drank a toast to our first successful day of travel.

Off we go!!

George and Mary Jane wave from the dock;

John waves from his golf cart.

Kemah on our stern.
A champaign toast after our first day on the water!

Complete with a beautiful sunset.

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