Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014 - Hello Biloxi

We left New Orleans for the final leg of our mini-journey.  It was a little rough crossing the Mississippi Sound into Biloxi.  We arrived at Biloxi Boardwalk Marina late afternoon.  After fueling up and pumping out, the dock guys helped us into our slip.  We were a little sad to see our journey come to an end but we know the best is yet to come.  Below is our view from our new home.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014 - A day in New Orleans

We did a little housekeeping around the boat in the morning; then took a cab to the French Quarter.  We started with beignets at Cafe Du Monde, took a carriage ride around the city, afternoon drinks at Pat O'Briens, a great dinner, and finished the day at the piano bar at Pat O'Briens.  A nice treat for us.

Yum yum.

A nice carriage ride around the city.

Afternoon pick-me-up at Pat O'Briens.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014 - New Orleans

Today was going to be the ultimate test - two locks and the Mississippi River into New Orleans.  The captain was a little nervous.  This area had been a nightmare last year when we were heading to Houston.  However, luck was with us and we made it through both locks with very little waiting.  We arrived at a very nice marina and were quite excited to have all that behind us.  We decided to take a day off and treat ourselves to a day in New Orleans on Thursday since we had made such good time so far.

Another beautiful day on the water.

One of the many barges and tugs we met along the way.

Entering New Orleans.

New Orleans waterfront.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014 - Houma, Louisiana

After taking on fuel this morning, we left for our next stop, Houma city docks.  It was another great day on the water.  The weather has been great all week.  When we arrived, we met some people of League City on their boat, Overtone.  There was a little restaurant close by so we walked and had dinner out. 

Nearly Perfect.

Scenery along the Louisiana swamplands.

More scenery.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014 - Shell Morgan, Louisiana

We had no problems leaving the dock this morning in Lake Charles.  Quarters were a little tight but the captain did a great job in maneuvering us into the open water.  We encountered our first locks today which were no problem.  We made it to Shell Morgan, Louisiana, which is just a gas dock on the Intercoastal.  We got off the boat and stretched our legs some, and then spent the evening on the boat.

Entering and --

Leaving our first lock.

Another lock.
The Admiral hard a work - gotta love that autopilot!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014 - Lake Charles

We woke up to a beautiful sunrise and prepared to pull the anchor.  We started the day with one dead engine but were able to get started for the day.  The other engine finally started a little later.  The weather and scenery were great all day, and we ended up at a small marina in Lake Charles for the night.

It's going to be another great day!

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2, 2014 - Goodbye Kemah

We left Kemah around 7:00 a.m. to begin the first leg of our adventure.  Our friends George and Mary Jane were on the dock to help us untie our lines and get underway.  They even had a ceremonial confetti sendoff for us which was great.  We thanked them for their help and waived goodbye. Our friend John waived from his golf cart as we pulled away from the dock.  We had a great day on the water and anchored out at Shell Island, Louisiana for the night.  After we were anchored and secured, we popped open a bottle of champaign (compliments of my parents and sister) and drank a toast to our first successful day of travel.

Off we go!!

George and Mary Jane wave from the dock;

John waves from his golf cart.

Kemah on our stern.
A champaign toast after our first day on the water!

Complete with a beautiful sunset.